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Thursday, September 19, 2013

Banana Peanutbutter Cup Froyo

My FroYo obsession is obvious if you see my Instagram.
Hello Lovelies!

Ok, so if you follow me on Instagram you've probably gathered that I have a ridiculous obsession with froyo.  I post about it probably once a week and eat it maybe more than that. Luckily this "healthy" alternative is a little bit better than softserve ice cream, but it is definitely not cheaper. That, and when a craving hits, I'm not always able to jump up and leave the house.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Ikat Nails

Ikat style nail art design! This one is really fun because it's totally customizable. You can use whatever colors you like and place the designs on whichever nails you prefer. I hope you all like this Ikat manicure tutorial as much as I loved it! Make sure to let me know if you try it out. Remember to have fun and make this your own. Try out your favorite colors and let me know what you think.