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Monday, October 7, 2013

EASY Halloween Pop Art Comic Lady

Hello lovelies,

Today I decided to create an easy Halloween outfit that is inspired by Americana pop art and classic comic book characters. Comics have made a huge appearance in movies and television in the past several years. Instead of trying to re-create a very specific or well known character, I turned myself into my comic alter ego. Imagine landing in the setting of a classic Spiderman comics or a Warhol painting and let the fun begin.

Not only is this a ridiculously entertaining thing to do, but it's super easy and great for a last-minute costume. You will likely have most if not all of the supplies that you will require. Rummage through your closet, pull out some makeup, and try out a funky wig.

 For this, I simply wore a black V-neck and borrowed my friends went from last Halloween. I throw on a large pair of pearl earrings, ad called it a day. If you're feeling really inspired and want to get into the character, try wearing a button-down shirt dress or other retro-inspired clothing and jewelry. Have fun!

As always, if you guys decide to re-create this and make yourself into an Warhol Idol,  let me know!  Share with me on Instagram: just use #lipstick_and_lemonade. 

Love always,

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